Saturday, December 26, 2009

Still crumbling down.

We never waltzed,
But my ears still scraped your buckles
Still hear wry chuckles
I inherited from you.

I never had to kill you,
But we settled for a Cold War
Divided by that eyesore
Of a wall dividing true.

You dance and fight alone, now,
And I, conscientious objector,
Wage preemptive campaigns,
Shadowboxing forms and follies
My slight frame's yet to cast.

I still can't say
What metaphors to squeak,
For I've written this a thousand times
In blank curse, prose,
Wail, shant rhyme
And nothing does enough for me
Without doing too much to you.

It's all too literal.
I can't separate it, distance far enough that though I shout
I'm still crying
Just what I mean.
I resort to crass allusion
To combat the blithe delusion
That I can, without contusion,

Every so often, religious-like,
I return to pay my respects.
We don't say much,
As the woods creak,
And if, by chance, we do
I'm another in a stream of shades
In my wide-eyed reprise.
We chat the fables of the day,
Idols in the aisles
Myths for the mantle
Dust on the demigods
That we still pay homage to
In the untidy corners of our minds.

I've lost much of that bad religion.
I no more make the perenial sacrifices
Or cower when the church door slams.
And although I do not flagellate
On behalf of sins not mine,
The stares of those grim gods
See through my anemic atheism
To the frightened theist
Hiding, praying silently
In a familiar foxhole
While their holy wars rage on.

I once heard,
From a reliably unreliable source,
That after an African genocide
The West wanted tribunals
To punish and provide
(As if justice washed the blood
From ivory hands.)
The Africans, who had seen
Families kill one another
In the bright daylight
On unabashed, blood-red streets,
Wished to forgive.
Or perhaps we wish it were forgiveness
Because our own guilt lies
On a bedrock of blame,
On an Indian graveyard,
Haunted by the ones
Who came before.
No, perhaps they don't forgive.
But violence fathers violence
Furthers violence
And further violence does nothing
But salt the wounds
So nothing new can grow.

The ruins of our crass colonialism
Linger in sullen shrines to such mythologies.
We pass by them every day,
As our hands cross our chests
By habit or by hope.
But pass them by we do,
And, when we look over our shoulders,
We see the now familiar hints of green
On a scarred tree once thought dead
Creeping over an old fortress wall
Still crumbling down.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Next Week (For Caroline)

Life's an ugly, petty pace-
Crass beard upon a pretty face-
So much for such potential waste
You talk me back into.

Life's a stupid, pity place-
Flat chest upon a precious case-
So much for such a paltry trace
You walk me back into.

Life's an angry, acid bore
Life's a putrid, pustule chore
Life's a gloomy, grotesque gore
You caulk me back into.

I break myself, I cut and seer,
I hide away, I gibe and jeer,
I hate and flay, I tear and tear,
You balk

Me back from two
Or twenty
Thousand mismatched pieces
From a puzzle
Jigsawed more.

You press together
Bits of pieces,
Give me glue
That never ceases
To surprise,
Soft sigh releases
As your questions
Cracks explore.

When I compare me to the box,
I know I'll never have long locks
Just breasts saline, a makeshift crotch,
Shaven legs (and face) and vox

Yet I like the one you see:
The perfecting in imperfect me
The better you
Think me to be

I like her.
And I thank you for the introduction.
And I hope to see her again,
See you again,
Next week.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

To Repay

There's small solace
In ingratitude;
Little love
In cold calculations
On worth and wealth
Scribbled short in someone else's ledgers.
“Don't worry on my account”
Is a debtor's disguise,
Or an air of affluence in affective amity.

I never bought into the notion that you should pay your dues
In voice or incognito.
Instead I purchased
Nonsense with ducan'ts
For the price of a life spent saving my self
For a silent auction to be held
Once we've bid this world farewell.
An emptor who heeded caveats
Of thought in lieu of feeling.

It's so easy to check in,
To share a saccharine smile
With empty eyes
That do not bare or bond.
So easy to feign interest
In the small changes
While the wages of reticence,
The cost of too little, too late
Force a soul to take stock
And sell too soon.

Yet I look her way
And see nothing
But a glimpse of gold.

It would be so facile
To feign a friendly thought.
But though we laugh,
Though we smile,
Though we nod in accord to custom,
You do not take what's easy
But give more than I could ever hope
To repay.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Fourth Beginning

Hate me.
I want you to hate me.
I want you to loathe me, resent me, look at me with nothing short of scornful, furious abhorrence.
I want you to see me as a killer, a tyrant, a cavalier ideologue, a bitch, a whore, a monster.
I want you to fucking hate me.

But instead, you look down upon me, see me as pitiable, a victim of her own benevolent ambition.
You see me as heroically tragic, fatally flawed, yet so, heartbreakingly close to redemption. Close enough to make the rest incidental, accidental, forgivable.
Yes, you forgive me. A kind smile, knowing eyes, a warmth that I know is merely waiting for the prompt to embrace, waiting for me to collapse in tearful complicity to your holy compassion.
Those are the gifts you offer, gratis, guiltless. And yet, all I want is your fucking hate.

Judge me!
Put me on trial and find me lacking, find me wanton, find me something other than the innocent I clearly, brazenly am not!
Is it so much to ask for you to damn me? Harrow me?
Hate me?

If I am not good enough for your own ethics, not virtuous enough, not inhuman enough to be held up to your implacable standards, here, take mine!
Use my own principles, my own hard thought, hard fought moralities to rake me over the coals of my ideals and ashes.
Look at me as I see my contemptible, wretched self and hate me!
Hate me!

Hate me.
Stop loving and, just, please, hate me.
If you have ever, really loved me, if you really... just hate me.
I need you to hate me.
I want you to, I need you to, I love you too

Hate me.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Romance 12

Sometimes I still think of her. Sometimes. And I don't know whether it's a passing weakness, a fleeting desire, or something deeper, pernicious even. Like a moth to a blazing torch, my mind flies, what if-ing my way to incineration.

She was hot and cold. Not warm, like you, but fiery to the point of scalding, freezing til stasis or shatter. The callous intensity, the fuck me til I drop, and she's smoking a cigarette under the sky alone, my vulnerability wasted on soiled sheets. She burns me, cuts me, and I taste the blood, the pain, and hate myself for being what she does to me.

I love it. The power, the strength, the subtle disdain in every condescending glance. Use me, abuse me, lose me when she wants. I'll always cry, always want back on her burning bosom. Shelter be damned, I want storms and sunshine.

You give your love like charity. Hers, I have to earn. I have to struggle for it, have to fight to keep my spot each night. It's vicious. Everyone's a competitor, everyone has a chance. Egalitarian affection at its worst.

It hurts. To always be afraid. To always wonder if I've lost without knowing, to second guess whether to cling or cast off. To always be on, always worry, always wonder if now is the moment I stumble, moment I fall from her grace and end up another jealous fuck, wanting back in the garden with “No Vacancy” flashing in sinful neon. A hangover I can't shake. Only myself to blame, only myself to hope for another chance. No rest for the unrequited.

Sometimes I think of her. You don't hurt me like you should. You don't hate me like I want to hate myself, modeling my vices, the pornography of perdition. You give me what I lust to earn. So I sometimes think of her.

And then I roll over. And you're smiling in your sleep. And I know you'll be there tomorrow, giving yourself to me as if I deserve it. It's so easy, it almost hurts. Almost. And I guess that's the problem.

Too good to me, too good for me. Only an idiot would love anything else.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You love and lovely

After another failed attempt at poetry, it occurred to me that you are more than merely kisses and cuddles of an oft auditory nature.
You are reverberations of thought, echoing through my mind like a wandering bird who always know where to come home to roost.
You crisp and sharp, crackle in my mind, static in the dark, jolting me awake as I begin to bow to too heavy doldrums.
You soothe and soft, lay my head to rest on a pillow of thoughts of you and things that have will were.
Irreverent raspberries match the jiggle of your breasts as I cannot help (try as I might) but smile at each Mona Lisa's Mustache.
And still, when old thoughts of do-it-yourself death come knocking upon my straw hut, you blow back, you explode, substituting what once was hoped with a love that makes such hatred wither.
You beautiful bubble, you sunlight to my showers.
You loved and lovely, always are.

Friday, April 25, 2008


I can feel the noose tightening, like the hug of a sandpaper friend lost to nostalgia. I can feel the familiar grip, lifting me up while I'm far too weighed down. Welcome back. Hell of a handshake.

It's been awhile since I mounted the gallows. Standing before the crowd, dodging glares and glances with all the skill paranoia has to offer. Hardly the ovation one hopes for. What's the fun in suicide if no one's left to laugh?

Love's nothing but a two-sided trapdoor. Builds you up before it lets you down. Hanging around til you're roped into some new uplifting scheme. You can already see the wood rotting, but it beats an unhinged hole.

It's knot your problem. Knot your neck. Throw away the key. Playing hangman with no vowels, I'm a man of Consonant Sorrow.

Tried by a jury of my mirrors, I'm once again the judge and elocutioner. Blades too barbaric, only good for shaving life off one river at a time. "Fie on your fatalism!" the barbers bellow. "I'll sink before I swim," I sigh.

I find my voice, sitting on the gallows. How quaint. It barely has time to stretch before it's silenced by the string.

No need to weigh me down, for I've no scarcity of stone. No need to play me down, for I've no scarcity of tone. No need to lay me down, for when I'm only bone, I'd rather look towards trapdoors than sneeze whilst I'm coffin.

Fit noose, my fancy fee
Come again to lift up me
Trapdoor's a breaking
And my feet are falling through.