Saturday, March 18, 2006

Romance 1

"Darling, you are my impetus."
"And you are getting in the way."
I couldn't suppress a wry grin as I stepped aside to allow the other patrons by.
"A guy just can't be romantic without something screwing it up, can he?"
"You call that romance? I'll show you romance."
She pulled me toward her, dipped me, and kissed me until I had to go up for air.
"Now you're the one in the way."
"I rather don't think they mind this time."
She winked and walked away as I rushed to catch up.
"Hey, aren't I the one who's supposed to dip you?"
"You're also the one who's 'supposed' to have paid for dinner, so consider it a compromise."
"We ought to compromise more often."
"I'll keep that in mind next time we're choosing CDs."
"Hey, it's not my fault you enjoy listening to arbitrary jabs in the mental eye."
"It's called jazz, and it's certainly better than that Philip Glass crap. If music is the same four notes repeated for three entire minutes, then sex is a pat on the back."
"Speaking of which, I believe I'm almost out of 'gloves.' I told you wearing that skirt would only make our 'ration' situation worse."
"I didn't hear many complaints when I first put it on."
"That's because I was so busy trying to get it back off again."
"I don't think the dress was what you were trying to get off."
"Now you're just arguing semantics."

We laughed and continued our leisurely stroll around the park, our hands loosely clasped together, our faces pictures of contentment. I tried to prevent myself from positively beaming, thus completing the creeping sensation that I was, in fact, an utter fool, but it was a battle I was rather glad to lose.

We heard some music coming from a nearby pavillion, where a folk band was performing, so we moved closer. I "tripped" and landed in the grass, but instead of following me, she promptly let go of my hand and watched me tumble. I looked back at her with complete innocence. She rolled her eyes, let out an exasperated sigh, and allowed herself to be pulled down too. After a brief wrestling match, we ended in another kiss.

"You know, people are staring."
"They're just jealous."
"Or they're wondering which of us will notice the dog poop first."
"You're a real upper, aren't you?"
"I'm a fucking rainbow compared to you."
"Can't have a rainbow without rain."
"I'd argue, but from past experience I'm pretty sure I'd end up killing you."
"And what would be so bad about that?"
She paused.
"Well darling, for once, I'm at a loss for words."
"How about a compromise?"

We kissed again and basked in the sun. The folk band started playing a new song, and a familiar, devilish gleam came to her eye.

"Oh no. You remember what happened last time."
"Something about a cast and me being a crazy bitch?"
"Yeah, that sounds about right."
"Well, I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

She jumped up and pulled me along with her. Then we danced. I never was very good at dancing, but she seemed to have a natural ability, always staying in time, always knowing exactly what step to take. And she loved it. She seemed to come truly alive, embracing the moment like she embraced life itself. She laughed at my feeble attempts to remember what she taught me, but other than a few crushed toes, we managed to escape unscathed.

"I declare, I certainly am mighty fatigued."
"That is such a horrible accent."
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
"Why dear, are you suggesting that I rock your world?"
"Now that was just downright unethical. Retaliatory measures must be taken."
We kissed again. Longer than before. We stopped simultaneously, left staring into each other's eyes.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Now let's go to bed!"
"It's only eight, and you're already ready to sleep?"
"Who said anything about sleep?"
We rushed off to the car laughing.


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