Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The moment.

You never expect to hear the bells
That say "We mourn today."
You never expect to get the call
That changes all
Your futures in a scream.
And in that moment, your sane mind thinks
"This is not the life a good man's meant to have.
This is not the death a good girl's meant to keep."
Yet the tears turn to ashes
And you cannot help but think
You loved all wrong.

It has been said
That when mom's dead
I doubt that I will cry.
But now I care
And wouldn't dare
Allow my heart to die.
Allow my heart to sigh, just once,
And turn back into stone.

At approximately, oh, eight hundred hours
The love of your life
Will be a broken dream
Upon a hospital bed
Half a life away.
And as her life fades
Her hand goes limp
You start to wonder
Where you'll go
For shelter now she's gone.

Nothing breaks hearts like broken brakes.

I have a good friend, or two
Or four
Or more
Who, someday, will fade from view
And live a life their own.
And then I have a friend or three
Who'll keep in touch,
Stay close to me
Stand by my side
Until I stand no more.
And when the time comes,
When the number's up,
When we've cheered our last 'huzzah'
You or I
Will cease to fly,
Fall right back in the ground.

Six feet under
Can't hear the thunder
Of crushed souls you've left behind.

Friends, lovers, bring me your years
So I may keep them to myself
And never let them see the light of days
Turned nights
Turned darkness.

No bond can last forever
No person, oh so clever,
Can cheat the tax of time.

No matter how tight I hold you
How long I kiss you
How strong I love you,
I cannot help but think
Eternity's just a day
A moment disguised in life
An instant in drag
Masquerading as forever.
And whether by my hand or God's,
This too shall end
And you, my friend,
Will be a mem'ry

No hands can hold forever.
Whether one lets go
Or the other loses touch
With life itself.
Friends until an end
Or new beginnings.

But as you lie within my arms,
I forget past present future harms
And only think to live

The moment.


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